Divine civilization is the light. Material civilization is
the lamp. Material civilization is the body; in itself it is not sufficient,
and humanity from every standpoint stands in sore need of divine civilization.
Natural civilization insures material welfare and prosperity; Divine
civilization vouchsafes to man ideal virtues. Material civilization serves the
physical world; Divine civilization serves the world of morality. Divine
civilization is a symposium of the perfections of the world of humanity. Divine
civilization is the improvement of the ethical life of a nation. Divine
civilization is the discovery of the reality of phenomena. Divine civilization
is the spiritual philosophy. Divine civilization is the knowledge of God with
rational and intellectual evidences. Divine civilization is Eternal Life.
Divine civilization is the immortality of the soul. Divine civilization is the
Breath of the Holy Spirit. Divine civilization is heavenly wisdom. Divine
civilization is the reality of all the Teachings of the ancient prophets.
Divine civilization is Universal Peace and the oneness of the world of
humanity. The Holy manifestations of God have been the founders of Divine
civilization, the first Teachers of mankind, and the spreaders of the
fragrances of holiness and sanctity amongst the children of men.
- ‘Abdu’l-Baha (Words of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, an interview with a San Francisco news reporter in 1912;
Star of the West, vol. IV, no. 12, October 16, 1913)